Wednesday, June 6, 2007

on the way for burgers, where else but MAC Donald's
Very, very, windy day.. head wind so strong that it slowed the van down to 50 miles per hour in spots .. didn't make to Colorado.. But we are now about 100 miles away

Taco Bell has a wireless internet.. awesome !
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Wednesday Day #2 June 6 2007

Today's Date:
June 6th

Where We Went:
Day of the long drive from Coraville, Iowa thru Nebraska to Colorado

What Happened:
Started the morning off with breakfast at scrambled eggs and breakfast food at Bev's.. Then went to Best Buy and Ryan upgraded Bev's computer memory..

Stoped at Panera's Bread got bagels.. Left Coralville about 12 Noon..

Now on the road to Des Moines.. at 12:39 mile marker 214
Favorite part of the trip

Our Travel Journal and Song Book

In the travel journal .. We write

Today's Date:
Where We Went:
What Happened:
Favorite Part of the Trip:
From our song book.. We sing